Market Traders Insurance

Insurance for traders at all manner of indoor and outdoor markets including temporary or pop-up market stalls.

Quick and easy online

No limit on the number of
markets you attend, as long as
they are on different days or at
different times

Easy to add Employers’ Liability when you employ people

Premiums starting from


per year*

Why Choose CMTIA for Market Trader Stallholder Insurance?

  • Apply online in just 2 minutes, with your documents sent directly to your inbox within 20 minutes
  • Two levels of Public and Products Liability cover to choose from
  • Option to add Employers’ Liability cover if you have staff
  • No excesses, ensuring you’re not out of pocket when making a claim
  • Enjoy flexible coverage with no limits on the number of markets you can attend
  • Chosen by thousands of market traders and stall holders across the UK to protect their businesses
  • UK based expert support available on the phone

Case Studies


Darren sells fruit and vegetables at a farmers market in Bristol and his is looking to also take a permanent stall at Bath Farmers Market which will be run by his wife. Darren currently has Public and Products Liability insurance with CMTIA. 

As both markets will run on the same days, he will need to purchase a second policy to cover the Bath market. He does not require Employers’ Liability as his only employee is his wife, but she will need to be named on the policy.

  Alex has a stall selling children’s clothes and toys at a market in Cardiff every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and at a different market in Newport on Thursdays. Alex would also like to trade on Saturdays and is researching street markets in her area. It is likely she will trade at a different market each weekend.  Alex already has Public and Products Liability insurance with a limit of indemnity of £10,0,00,000. In this situation, Alex’s policy would continue to be sufficient, and she does not need to inform us of the changes.

Employers' Liability

You need this by law if you employ people

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Public & Products Liabilty

This protects you from third party claims for injury or damage to property

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Need to make a claim on your insurance policy?

Find out who to talk to here

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